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Level Up Your Teaching: Hone Your Skills with Teaching English Online to Groups

Since the post-pandemic era, a major shift has occurred toward virtual learning or E-learning. The same trend is in the TEFL teaching industry as well, learners from across the world find virtual learning more suitable,

According to arsigakonics.org, the E-learning market will grow with time and reach up to $499.1bn by 2027.

E-Learning Market Growth
Source: arsigakonics.org

To make the most of this digital era, every TEFL teacher must need to adapt their teaching styles. On top of that, just having the skill of teaching students on an individual level is not enough, you also need to have the skill set of teaching English online to groups as well. Those teachers who have pursued courses like Live Online TEFL Course, know this fact really well.

If you also looking to bag top-notch TEFL teaching job prospects by gaining training on how to teach English online to groups, then we have got you covered.

In this blog post, we will be sharing the benefits and how to become proficient in teaching English online to groups.

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So, without any further delay, let’s get started.

What Is It Like Teaching English Online To Groups?

During one-on-one teaching English setup, ESL/EFL teachers can give their undivided attention to individual learners and be able to improve their English speaking, learning, and writing skills. However, with time the demand for teaching English online to groups has been increasing and it’s a lucrative deal for ESL/EFL teachers as well.

When a teacher teaches to 2 or more than that students are considered to be teaching English online to a group of students. There’s no denying that there are plenty of opportunities to teach learners in a group but it also comes with lots of challenges like managing a group of students and catering to their unique learning needs at once.

Benefits of Teaching English Online To Groups

Whether you’re already an experienced ESL/EFL teacher or you’re just starting your TEFL teaching career. Here are the several benefits of teaching English online to groups that every ESL/EFL teacher should know:

Access To More Job Opportunities

While you are looking for different online English teaching jobs then you might observe that most of the platforms pride group lessons to learners. If you don’t have the skillset of teaching in a group setting then you could miss a lot of potential opportunities. So, it is suggested that you must constantly evolve with time and upgrade your teaching method and skills to teach in any setting whether in one-on-one or group setting.

Opportunity To Become an Independent Teacher

Thanks to this digital era, if you are skillful enough you can market yourself to reach the right audience. As an ESL/EFL teacher, if you have the skillset of both teaching in a one-on-one setting and a group setting then it allows you to market yourself globally and attract more potential learners.

Increase Earning Potential

In every profession, the more skillful the individual is, the higher their salary checks. The same applies in the TEFL industry as well, if you have the skillset of teaching English online to groups then you can increase your earning potential significantly and stay one step ahead of your competition also.

How To Conduct ESL/EFL Group Classes Successfully?

Teaching English online to a group of students is a skill, which not every teacher has. Let’s get to know how you can conduct your language classes in a group setting successfully.

Acquire Training on How to teach English Online to Groups

Whether you are an experienced or an aspiring TEFL teacher, it’s always suggested that you keep upgrading your teaching strategies and skills which can help you to teach English online to groups. You can consider pursuing to Live Online TEFL Course, to upgrade yourself and stay competitive in the TEFL teaching market.

Utilize The Group Setting Properly

Compared to one-on-one lesson sessions, group-setting teaching can prove to be more beneficial for the learners. In a group setting, learners not only learn from you but their peers as well, which creates a collaborative learning environment. To make your group class more alive, you can conduct several activities like-


-Vocabulary related Games


These activities help them to make mistakes, learn from each other, and have fun at the same time.

Teach Existing Language Group Students

You might come in contact with a group of learners who are already in touch with each other like- from school, workplace, or friends. This kind of setup can make your teaching experience much easier and more effective because every learner already has a rapport with each other and they will be in sync during the lesson.

Don’t Forget To Communicate Individually

While learning and teaching in a group setting can be beneficial for almost every learner, there might be some students who might need individual attention as well. So, to cater them you must remember to communicate with them individually. Platforms like-


-Google Classroom


provides a feature called individual messaging, which you can use to give the required attention and guidance to those students to stay on track with their other learners, without disrupting the class flow for other students.

Teaching English Online To Groups Can Increase Job Prospects Significantly

Teaching English online is itself a huge skill to have. However, if you acquire the skill to teach English online to groups of students then it will unlock the door for high-paying jobs significantly and also give you an edge over your competitors. In the above-mentioned blog, we have shared plenty of strategies on how you can conduct ESL/EFL classes in a group setting successfully, which will help you earn a good salary and even you can go the independent way.

If you want to learn more effective and latest TEFL teaching skills and methodologies, then consider pursuing courses like the Live Online TEFL Course, where you will get assistance from top expert trainers.

We believe education should be accessible for everyone. That’s why we don’t charge for our blogs. Find the right course that will help you in your career with us, contact us at - 1800–212–6400. You can mail us at act@asiancollegeofteachers.com


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